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  Linux Website Hosting Plans with one click installs. Create blogs, galleries, ecommerce shopping carts, forums and many other types of Website, easily with our new Website hosting packages. Whether you are building your first Website or you need a home or business Website, we have the Website hosting package to suit your needs - all hosted on our ultra reliable Linux Servers. All Linux Hosting packages include, hosting control panel, one click script installations, unlimited bandwidth, MySQL databases, iPhone control panel, free domain name, and much more.
    Bronze Package   Silver Package   Gold Package
General features      
Monthly cost £4.08 £8.25 £12.42
Yearly cost £49.00 £99.00 £149.00
Free domain name Yes Yes
Free domain name transfer Yes Yes Yes
Webspace 25GB 50GB 100GB
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Hosting Control Panel Yes Yes Yes
Sub domains 20 50 Unlimited
MySQL Databases 10 30 Unlimited
File manager Yes Yes Yes
E-mail features      
Pop3/Imap Mailboxes 100 300 Unlimited
E-mail forwarders Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
E-mail autoresponders Yes Yes Yes
Webmail Yes Yes Yes
Catch All Email Forwarding Yes Yes Yes
Email Filter Logs Yes Yes Yes
Junk Mail Filters Yes Yes Yes
Email Distribution Lists 10 50 Unlimited
Account utilities      
Scheduled Tasks Yes Yes Yes
Website Password Protection Yes Yes Yes
IP Address Blocking Yes Yes Yes
Change Your Password Yes Yes Yes
Backup Your Website Yes Yes Yes
SSH Server Access Yes Yes Yes
SSH Server Access Yes Yes Yes
Website Redirect Yes Yes Yes
Web Resources      
Free Software Yes Yes Yes
550+ Website Templates Yes Yes Yes
100,000 + Images/Web Art Yes Yes Yes
5 Web Hosting Templates Yes Yes Yes
Web Design Links Yes Yes Yes
Javascript Maker Yes Yes Yes
Website diagnostics      
Web Space Checker Yes Yes Yes
HTML Tools Yes Yes Yes
Network Tools Yes Yes Yes
CGI Script Tools Yes Yes Yes
Website reporting      
Google Site Map Yes Yes Yes
Webalizer Graphical Statistics Yes Yes Yes
AWStats Graphical Statistics Yes Yes Yes
Log File Download Yes Yes Yes
Graphical/Text Access Counter Yes Yes Yes
Bandwidth Graphs Yes Yes Yes
osCommerce Shopping Cart Yes Yes Yes
Agora Shopping Cart Yes Yes Yes
Zen Cart Yes Yes Yes
CubeCart Yes Yes Yes
CGI/PHP Scripts      
WordPress Blog Yes Yes Yes
WordPress MU Yes Yes Yes
BuddyPress Yes Yes Yes
Joomla! CMS 1.5 Yes Yes Yes
Joomla! CMS 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
Mambo CMS Yes Yes Yes
CMS Made Simple Yes Yes Yes
Geeklog - Ultimate Weblog System Yes Yes Yes
Nucleus Weblog Yes Yes Yes
phpBB 3 Yes Yes Yes
phpBB 2 Yes Yes Yes
RoundCube WebMail Yes Yes Yes
MediaWiki Yes Yes Yes
SugarCRM Yes Yes Yes
Openads Yes Yes Yes
Drupal CMS Yes Yes Yes
Coppermine Photo Gallery Yes Yes Yes
Locked Area Lite Yes Yes Yes
Form to Email Yes Yes Yes
Photo Gallery (no db) Yes Yes Yes
Photo Gallery (db) Yes Yes Yes
Free For All Links Page Yes Yes Yes
Website Search Yes Yes Yes
Guestbook Yes Yes Yes
E-Blah Discussion Board Yes Yes Yes
Web Postcards Yes Yes Yes
Web Auction Yes Yes Yes
Domain Name Checker Yes Yes Yes
404/500 Error Page Yes Yes Yes
Banner Advert Manager Yes Yes Yes
Java Clock Yes Yes Yes
Web Calendar Yes Yes Yes
Web Survey Yes Yes Yes
Internet Countdown Yes Yes Yes
Random Text Displayer Yes Yes Yes
Random Images Displayer Yes Yes Yes
Tell-A-Friend Yes Yes Yes
Web Ring Yes Yes Yes
Trouble Ticket Express Yes Yes Yes
Classified Adverts Yes Yes Yes
Typo3 Yes Yes Yes
TraceWatch Yes Yes Yes
Crafty Syntax Live Help Yes Yes Yes
osTicket Yes Yes Yes
dotProject Yes Yes Yes
PHPCoin Yes Yes Yes
Squirrel Mail Yes Yes Yes
Elgg - 48 Yes Yes
Monthly cost £4.08 £8.25 £12.42
Secure Payment by Credit and Debit card provided by Sage Pay
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