US Domains (com, net, org etc)
Full Transfer
- Ensure you have a current copy of your website.
Note: You can usually find out this information by performing a whois lookup here or by performing a whois lookup at the registrar site indicated in the "Referral URL" field when using the above link.
We cannot proceed with a domain transfer unless the domain is unlocked and without the express permission of the domain administrator listed in the whois record.
Hosting & e-mail Transfer
- Ensure you have a current copy of your website
- Ask your current provider to change the DNS server entries to the following:-
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
- Inform us by e-mail that you have done so and we will do the rest.
Full Transfer Out
- Ensure you have a current copy of your website
- The legal registrant of the domain should inform us by e-mail of their intentions and we will “unlock” the domain for transfer.